Monday, December 04, 2006


Ken and I both worked from home today. I had a major deadline with the magazine, so I wanted to edit without all the distractions from the office. Ken had to study. But at some point, the dog had had enough of being ignored and demanded some attention. Ken broke down and handed out the daddy love. Good stuff.

On a more frustrating note, said dog is still spurting diarrhea, so we may have to visit the vet tomorrow to test for parasites. It's possible he picked something up last week while eating a pile of vomit and/or snacking on pug terds in the lawn. GRRRR.

I'm watching "Deal or No Deal" for the first time. It's pretty fun, but I doubt I'll ever be sad if I miss an episode. It's weird to see Howie Mandell bald.

The smoke mostly cleared today. Thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

CJ and Ru send thier love to Brady Boy. Ru decided to try to eat his quilt he sleeps on -- that sure messed his system up big time! What is with our big dogs?

Love ya--and you beat us putting up our Christmas decorations!!

Paddy, Rick, Cj and Ru

Anonymous said...

on a side note, could the smoke have anything to do with Brady's sickness? I know anything different in Ru's world and he comes 'unglued' as it schedule changes, or changes in anything really....just wondering...
