Well, after more than a year of less-than-subtle hinting from my dear husband, today I finally gave in and we purchased an HD flat panel LCD TV. We got the 47" Vizio Gallevia, thanks to Costco's unbeatable pricing. It's 1080p, of course, which is what we were holding out for to "future-proof" it. Nothing, of course, is future-proof, but perhaps it'll hold us a little longer than a previous-gen model would've. Right now it's sitting on the old entertainment center, but Sunday he'll hang it on the wall so we can get rid of the component center to make room for some other stuff we're doing in the room. Anyway, here's a pic from a few minutes ago...

In other news, there really isn't any. The baby is growing fast. I'm 27 weeks today! Baby is moving a lot, to the point of being able to see the movement from the outside. Seriously cool.
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