Hard to believe we're almost half-way through this pregnancy! Things seem to be going along fine, but we'll know more after our 20-week ultrasound 4/27. If everything looks good/normal at that time, then we'll be able to get serious about picking a name and such. One of our friends from church asked me last night if I'd like to have a shower before or after he's born. I thought, oh man, I haven't even begun to think about showers or registering or anything! Guess I'll get serious about that after Friday's ultrasound...
I'm still feeling great. I've thought I might've felt some movement this past few days, but can't be sure. Seems like I ought to by now, but it's possible that the placenta is in such a position as to block kicks and such. I'd like to think it's because my abs were so tight and strong that nothing can get through, but that's a far-fetched fantasy!
Baby (no, we haven't chosen a name yet) can hear now, so I think I'll start spending more time in the music room when Ken is playing his guitar. Perhaps bring some earplugs for me, as he keeps the amp kicked up pretty high!
We played hookie from church today. Today's worship team is led by a guy who, when he prays, uses various forms of God's name every three words, and it really irritates us both: "Lord, we come to today, Jesus, to ask you, God, that you grant us forgiveness, Father, for our sins, Lord...." and so on. I counted 47 times in one prayer once, and it wasn't a very long prayer. "Alicia, I would like, Alicia, for you to join me, Alicia, for lunch today, Alicia. Alicia, I know a great little place, Alicia, that you, Alicia, would really like, Alicia." ARGH!!! I wonder if God gets annoyed by that? Like, I'm listening already, you don't have to keep calling me!
We had some much-needed rain yesterday, and might get some tomorrow, too, but today is beautiful and sunny. I don't remember it being as windy here in So Cal as it has been this year, but maybe it was and I just didn't notice. Or maybe it's more windy in Camarillo than up in T.O.