He worked very hard in the hot, Mississippi sun, and learned that, in fact, even SHINS can sweat. Mom appreciated his work, as that's just a bit less she'll have to do herself (or pay someone else to do). Speaking of whom, mom has gotten a bee in her bonnet and is making loads of progress on the packing. Clock is ticking for granny nanny to get to Cali, so she's kicked it into high gear!
We ended up deciding to buy BOTH of mom's cars (and she bought a Sequoia), so Ken and I caravaned back in the Accord and the Passport. (Now we need to sell our 4Runner and Civic.) We left Tuesday afternoon and headed to Martha's in Baton Rouge, where, unfortunately, I didn't take a single picture.
Wednesday, we headed for Judy's in San Antonio with a stop in Houston to see Ken's friend Kurt's guitar factory (the one where he works, that is) and sister music store. We stayed with Judy two nights. Thursday evening we were able to have supper with most of the local relatives (Judy, Rita/Willie/kids, Day/Kristen/Shane, and Mary). That was a treat, but again, no pictures. I finally broke out the camera when we went to see Rita's new house.

Here are Willie, me, Rita and Ken (not flattering photos of any of us at the end of a tiring day, but you at least get the idea).
Friday we headed to a hotel in El Paso, Texas; then Saturday on to Phoenix, Arizona. Sunday we made it home. Phew! In all, not a bad trip. I'm definitely in favor of shorter jaunts (breaking 2,200 miles into four or five reasonable days rather than two or three heinous, exhausting ones). Ditto on spending a few extra bucks on a good hotel rather than cheaping it out at the budget motel. You just sleep and relax so much better in a nice, clean place with nice linens and good smells and free breakfast, you know?
Anyway, Ken's back at work today and I worked from home, mostly catching up on correspondence. I had 1,479 spam messages to filter through for the 15 or so important ones in my work inbox. That took a couple of hours!
I had my 24-week appointment this afternoon, too. It was uneventful, which is good (and what I expected). Blood pressure is normal, measurements are on target, weight gain unremarkable (I've gained a total of only six pounds or so). So, I'll go back in a month for the next check-up, where they'll do a blood sugar test to make sure I'm not developing gestational diabetes (routine test, I guess).
I guess that's it. I'm going to finish my bowl of cherries and try to think of something good to make for supper. I'm thinking a loaf of some sort...
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