Everything else seems to be going great. We got all our test results back — negative on the cystic fibrosis screen and extremely low risk for Down's and Trisomy defects (based on the nuchal translucency and blood screens). We check the heart rate with our rented Doppler every couple of days; it's hanging in the 155 bpm range. Good!
I should be in bed, but Ken's rehearsing for tomorrow's service with another band member, so I'm just killin' time. I think they're about done, though. Maybe I'll go walk the dog and wash/brush/floss, etc. By that time, they oughtta wrap it up.
WOW--you didn't look that pregnant last weekend!! Maybe you were just wearing baggy clothes? LOL
By the way, I had so much fun hanging with you--even thought of you today when I made cheesus eggs and toast. I can't stop eating toast now--what is with that?? Is that some new sympathy eating disorder?
Love you!
So cute! Look at you . . . just a wee bit of belly showing. I love it! Happy clothes shopping!
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