Ken got a new job today!! Yay!! Not just any job, either. It's his dream job — one he's been chasing for three years... He'll be working at
Tom Anderson Guitarworks. Anderson makes high-end electric guitars. Ken explained it like this: If Gibson and Fender are the Mercedes and BMW of guitars, Anderson is the Ferrari. Anyway, Tom is a gem to work for, we hear, pays well, has good benefits, etc., so he has virtually no employee turnover. Seriously, the dude who's leaving (moving to Colorado) that vacates a spot for Ken is the first employee to leave in three years.

Anyway, he starts next Thursday. It'll be interesting to see how I do by myself all day with Asher and no help. Anderson works four 10s, so they have Mondays off. So, on work days, DH will be gone from 7:15 til 6:15 (their shop is about five miles from us... nice!).
Then again, I'm supposed to start working some next week, too. Guess it's time to schedule some granny nanny hours!