Ash falls asleep within 60 seconds of strapping on, and will sleep contentedly for three hours while my hands are free to be on the computer or pay bills or whatever. We've started going on walks as a whole family (Ken, me, Asher and Brady), and it's much more convenient than strapping into the carseat and pulling out the stroller.
The only problem with baby-wearing (for us) is that Asher is a little heater; he radiates all the time. So, with the two of us together, it gets really warm. Fortunately, the weather is turning cooler, so we both enjoy the time in the wrap outdoors.
Here we are after our evening walk. The pacifier is on the little blue leash. Oh, and I finally found a hat that stays on this boy's enormous head! It's a knit one I found at Target, and seems to be perfect. He doesn't normally need a hat (note the aforementioned heat radiator), but on our extra cool night walks when it's in the 50s, it's perfect. Yay!

Beyond the wrapping, we're really doing great. We're starting to get into a routine and a schedule of sorts. It's becoming easier to figure out what Asher wants/needs when he cries. And we traded in our glider/ottoman for a La-Z-Boy rocker recliner. So far, it seems to be working better for us, mostly because of the reclining feature. Sometimes the baby doesn't go back to sleep well after his 5-6ish a.m. feeding, but he'll sleep in our arms/lap. So, if he looks like he's not going to settle down in the crib, we just cuddle up with the Boppy pillow in the recliner and sleep an extra couple of hours (a very uncomfortable prospect in the previous non-reclining glider).
Well, I suppose I should head to bed for some shut-eye before the next feeding. Seems like they come so quickly, but he's actually starting to spread out to 3-4 hour intervals during the day and 4-5 hours at night, so that's much better than the 1.5-2 hours it was before!
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