Well, according to our doctor's office, they consider us full-term now. It typically is 37 or 38 weeks, but I guess after 36, they don't consider you "early" or worry about needing the NICU or anything like that. I'd love to deliver about 38 weeks, but my luck, I'll end up having to be induced at 42 weeks (and have a 10-pound baby!).
These pics are from today. The one with Ken and I is right after church. The other, well, it's hot today and definitely time to head to the pool!
We have one more shower this week, thrown by my office (Thursday). After that, we'll start buying whatever's not been gifted from our BRU registry. Ooo, speaking of which, a few people handed us gifts at church today, which I have yet to open. What am I waiting for?! :o)

Mom went back to Biloxi last week to wrap up details at her place. She was scheduled back in last night, but decided she needed an extra day (or four), so we'll pick her up early next week instead. Probably good timing for getting out, as there's always a risk of Hurricane Dean heading toward the Gulf Coast.
The group of about 40 from our church that went to Ecuador this month to build a church returned last Sunday. Apparently, they had a much more enjoyable time on this trip that we did in Tijuana last year. They were there for 12 days, but finished the church in five, so they had the other seven to tour the area. They even did one of those zip-line through the tree tops of the jungle things. I'm so jealous! They also said their hotel was more like a resort, complete with nice pools and room service. The food, I'm told, left something to be desired (one can only each so much chicken, rice and plantains), but overall, they report a fantastic trip. Next year is either Chile or Brazil, so perhaps we'll be ready for that! (It figures that just as my life gets complicated with a baby, all the cool trips start coming up ... Hawaii in October, South Africa in April, Chile in August ... We'll see how things go; maybe baby will be a world traveler before age 1!)