1 . Who was your first prom date? James Senechal. I liked him, but he liked my friend. Too bad! He was the best hugger I ever knew.
2. Who was your first roommate? Tamara Ras (college, freshman year).
3. First favorite band? Alabama
4. What was your first job? Waitressing at a big steak house in Destin, Fla., called Cowboys.
5. What was your first car? 1977 Honda CVCC.
6. Who was the first person you talked to on 360 today? I don't talk to people on 360.
7. Who is the first person you thought of this morning? Ken, of course!
8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Mulligan. I remember her name, but nothing else.
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? No clue. It was before I can remember anything.
10. When you sneaked out of your house for the first time, who was it with? I never had to sneak out.
11. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? Jennifer, since my age 5 birthday party, and yes, we're still best friends! I think we need to do something extreme to celebrate 30 years of best friendship...
12. Where was your first sleep over? No idea.
13. Who was the first person you talked to this morning? Ken. After him, a different Ken.
14. Whose wedding were you in the first time? Don't remember... Rob and Angi?
16. What was the first concert you ever went to? Bon Jovi and Skid Row, I think.
17. First really bad accident or illness? None I can think of.
18. First foreign country you went to? Either Mexico or Germany. Not sure which was first.
19. First crush? Andre Bulot. I crushed on him from second grade until we graduated high school. Not sure why, because he was never especially nice to me (he wasn't not nice, but we weren't close friends). I just thought he was really special, and loved the combination of ice blue eyes and dark hair with olive skin.
20. First TRUE love? I have no idea how to qualify that. There were quite a few guys that I truly loved, but none of them ever loved me back. So I guess Ken would be my first!
21. First state you moved to? After growing up in Florida, I moved to Tennessee for college. Then Michigan for grad school. Then California!
22. What was the first state you lived in? Maryland (for a very brief time after being born).
23. Who was the first person to break your heart? There have been too many to remember (most didn't mean to and certainly didn't do anything wrong, but my heart was broken by their lack of interest in me!).
24. Who will be the first to repost this? Probably no one. But that's OK. It's all about me! Hehehe...
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