Things are going well. I'm starting to get uncomfortable now. The heat outside is intolerable, even if it's only 85. I can't eat much or breathe deeply because baby is hogging all the abdominal space. But hey, I'll take it all ... only 5-7 more weeks to go!
Ken's got most of the painting done in the nursery, so that's a huge step in the right direction. As soon as it's finished, which will probably be tomorrow, we can get in touch with the furniture store and get on with crib delivery (or pick-up). Once the crib's set up, we can put the bedding set in it, which will really make the whole thing seem real.
Our first (of two) showers is next Sunday (Aug. 5). The church is throwing that one. Fun! Then my work is doing one Aug. 23. More fun! Then begins the task of buying everything we need and didn't get as gifts (less fun). Speaking of which, I think I'm going to go track the delivery of our rocker/gilder... Can't wait for that to arrive!
In other news, my mom and aunt arrived safely last week after their cross-country trek, and mom is settling nicely into her house here (though she's getting anxious to get air-conditioning installed). She got a nice welcome-to-California gift in the form of a rear-ending two days after arriving, though. Fortunately, she had the ball hitch on her Sequoia, so the other vehicle had more damage. Merilyn left Thursday, and is sorely missed already.
We're making good progress on getting our own place furnished the way we want it, but because we have everything pulled out of the spare room for painting, I've not bothered with taking pictures yet. Perhaps by the end of the week we'll be able to share some of that with you.