The morning started off right. It's sunny and the birds are singing. It's cool out, so I thought I'd make my sissy coffee drink, half hot chocolate, half instant coffee. Ken is a coffee snob, so the instant stuff is just for guests and me. Anyway, you know how granulated stuff seems to settle and needs stirred or shaken to make sure you're getting an even spoonful? Yes, well, I decided shaking it would be easy, but didn't think to secure the flip top. I shook with a burst of gusto that only a bright, sunny morning inspires, and now the counters, sink, and floor, my hair, sweatshirt, the water filtering pitcher that I had filling in the sink — all covered in mounds of Taster's Choice crystals. Fortunately for me, Ken had left for work moments before. This is the sort of incident where he would half-heartedly try not to be obvious about wondering how on earth I got to be such an idiot, especially when I burst out in hysterical laughter. :o) Anyway, wish I had taken a photo before I cleaned it up.
It still doesn't beat me using a warm coffee carafe (glass of course) to break up some chunks of ice with. Yeah--glass everywhere and Rick leaving me with a look that said "HOW IN THE HECK DID SHE MAKE IT OUT OF KINDERGARDEN???"
Hey, I've done the same thing, but with coffee creamer...let's just say I was not a happy camper cleaning it up (thank goodness Jon wasn't home to see it!)
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