The online ramblings of Alicia Adams for the entertainment and information of family, friends and curious strangers.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Here we go again!!
I realize that I was so excited about my first adventure into YouTube that I forgot to actually write anything about this video. Yes, this is OUR baby. The video was taken Monday, Feb. 26, when I was about 11 weeks and 3 days. The estimated due date is Sept. 15 (a great month, as about 10 of my favorite people were born then!). Anyway, we're pretty excited to have a healthy-looking kid growing in there. Stay tuned!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
According to an AP news story, "Studio 60 was pulled from NBC's schedule this week after 15 episodes, although the network said the backstage Hollywood drama will return at some point this season."
Don't take away one of our favorite shows!!
In other news, I'm making garlic cheese grits. Cannot tell you how exciting that is. The next 8 minutes of cook time can't pass fast enough!
Don't take away one of our favorite shows!!
In other news, I'm making garlic cheese grits. Cannot tell you how exciting that is. The next 8 minutes of cook time can't pass fast enough!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Come on, Hawaii

Smoking kills people. Second-hand smoke kills people. When there's attempted murder, police should act with swift hands to protect the innocent. This guy in this photo looks so smug that I really want to shave his tongue with a vegetable peeler. Then again, the smoke will eventually do that, so I guess I'll just have to wait a little longer. :o)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Clearly, I have nothing to say...
There is so little going on in my life right now that's blog-worthy that I having nothing to post except these ridiculous surveys. But, since I'm extremely self-absorbed and therefore love to talk about myself, here goes another one:
- What time did you get up this morning? 8:15 am
- Diamonds or Pearls? Yes
- What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Freedom Writers; excellent.
- What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy, I think.
- What did you have for breakfast? Steel Cut Oatmeal w/brown sugar.
- What is your middle name? Joy
- What is your favorite cuisine? Don't have a favorite; it's mood-related.
- What foods do you dislike? Pickled beets.
- Your favorite potato chip? Again, no favorite; depends on the craving.
- What is your favorite CD at the moment? Don't have one.
- What kind of car do you drive? Toyota 4Runner
- Favorite sandwich? Turkey, provolone and dill pickle.
- What characteristics do you despise? Dishonesty and arrogance
- Favorite item of clothing? Anything soft and comfortable.
- If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Anyplace tropical with good scuba diving.
- What color is your bathroom? White; haven't taken the time to paint or decorate it yet. Don't even have rugs. But the towels are sage and beige, and those are the colors in the tile, as well, so we'll probably go that direction.
- Favorite brand of clothing? Lucky.
- Where would you want to retire to? North Carolina.
- Favorite time of day? Sunrise. Unfortunately, that's also my favorite time of day to be sleeping, so I rarely experience it.
- Where were you born? Andrews A.F.B., Maryland
- Favorite sports to watch? Equestrian
- Who do you least expect to send this back? I don't expect anyone to send it back because I'm not sending it TO anyone.
- Person who will respond first? Ditto.
- What laundry detergent do you use? Either the Costco brand or something from Trader Joe's.
- Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
- Are you a morning person or night owl? Night Owl
- What size shoe do you wear? 9
- Favorite animal? Doberman dogs!
- Any news you'd like to share with everyone? If there were, don't you think I would've, given my love of talking about myself?
- What did you want to be when you were little? I don't remember having any career aspirations.
- Favorite candy bar? Mounds.
- What are your favorite childhood memories? Exploring the woods near our house. There were so many. Do people even have woods anymore? I don't think there are any woods in California. That sucks.
- What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Grader, server, secretary, PR person, writer, designer, editor.
- What color underwear are you wearing? Teal.
- Nicknames: None.
- Piercing? Nope.
- Eye color? Green.
- Ever been to Africa? Sadly, not yet.
- Ever been toilet papering? No! That's mean and make the beautiful trees ugly!
- Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes
- Ever been in a car accident? Yes
- Favorite restaurant? Claim Jumper. Or the Melting Pot.
- Favorite flower? Two-Lips.
- Disney or Warner Brothers? Don't care.
- Favorite fast food restaurant? Presto Pasta.
- What color is your bedroom carpet? Off white with brown and black flecks. We love it!
- How many times did you take your drivers test? Once.
- Before this one, from whom did you get your last mail? A coworker.
- Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Costco.
- What do you do most often when you are bored? I don't get bored!
- Bedtime? 11:30
- Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? MeeRa. But that's probably because she's the type of person who would NEVER do a survey like this, especially to post it in a public forum.
- Last person you went to dinner with? Husband, Tami and Dan.
- What are you listening to right now? The heater in my office building.
- What is your favorite color? Don't have one.
- Lake, ocean or river? Ocean for diving, river for rafting, lake for boating/relaxing.
- How many tattoos do you have? None
- Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken.
- How many people are you sending this Email to? None.
- Who sent this to you and what is something you didn't know about them? Sean. I didn't know he'd gotten a Mercedes.
- What materialistic thing would you ask for if you had one wish to make? A huge piece of property with a huge house. :o)
- Time you finished this email? 1:42 pm
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