I went for an official visit to our condo today. The cabinets are installed, as you can see. But the granite isn't in yet, which is what we're really excited about. They also put the wrong glass in the two cabinets (it should have a "water" texture). But they'll fix that. Our closing has been moved to end of September, so they're really moving along fast. I imagine they'll have the granite in by the end of the week. We can't do another walk-thru next Sunday because we'll be in Ontario for union constituency meetings, and starting in September they're locked up (to protect the floors). We'll have our offical final walk-thru a week before closing. Once we close, we'll probably spend a few days painting before we move in. I just bought four books from Home Depot (painting, decorating, windows, coloring) to give us some good ideas. I am currently being oppressed by allergies or a gross head cold, which is quite miserable, so I may just curl up with these books and a stack of sticky notes. We also learned where our assigned garage will be; it's just around the corner and it's on a wing where one car can park directly in front of the garage door, so that will be wonderful for visitors. We're getting excited!