Ever notice that when life decides to dump on you, it seems that it's been saving up a while? I had one of those weeks. Raining this morning, and cold. I don't trust the furnace in this house. It's old and probably has dead rats in it somewhere. I'm sure it needs new parts/filters, etc., but we have no idea how to do that. The house is so beat up that the wind blows right through anyway, so the heating bill can get outrageous in the cold months.
Anyway, I just didn't feel right today; lazy and depressed. Had plenty to do, but could NOT make myself get moving. I've been needing to edit all week because the mag deadline is Monday. But the office re-carpeting got changed from the end of next week til end of this week. So instead of editing, I've been packing up my office.
Neurotic dog has been re-infecting his chronic
lick granulomas, which makes me so mad I just want to beat him. I don't want to spend another $175 on antibiotics and vet bill just to put off a re-infection another month. Can't we clear this damn thing up already?
And then I had to deal with
Adventist Risk Management, which, in my experience, employs some of the rudest, most incompetent people in Southern California. I finally (about three months late) received a reimbursement check for Ken's new hearing aids. They're supposed to pay claims at 80%, up to $3,200 per plan year max on hearing aids. The claim was some $4,700, so we would expect to receive the max check of $3,200. But, no, they sent us a check for 80% of $3,200. What the hell? Clearly, they are smoking crack whilst processing claims. And don't even get me started on the horrible woman I had to talk to there two weeks ago about the status of this claim and another one they messed up. Even the doctors offices hate ARM because they're such a slow pay.
But, on the bright side, these are minor hiccups in the grand scheme of life. Ken is still really digging his work at
RKS Guitars and looking foward to the
NAMM Show in January. Speaking of which, I really need to buy our plane tickets for Christye's wedding in Dallas in January.
10 p.m. Bedtime.